
Guide for Doodle God: Evolution

Welcome to the new Doodle Farm. This mode has you creating all sorts of different animals.

Credit for the list goes to Punk Nine and credit for posting the list to BiLLzuMaNaTi:

Ground + Life --> Seeds
Ground + Seeds --> Tree
Stone + Water --> Sand
Tree + Tree --> Forest
Seed + Water --> Grass
Forest + Sand --> Savannah
Grass + Grass --> Bushes
Ground + Water --> Swamp
Life + Water --> Bacteria
Life + Stone --> Egg
Egg + Hunt --> Chicken
Air + Egg --> Bird
Bird + Snow --> Penguin
Bird + Swamp --> Heron
Bird + Sand --> Ostrich
Chicken + Ostrich --> Turkey
Sand + Tree --> Palm Tree
Bacteria + Sand --> Ant
Bird + Tree --> Woodpecker
Bird + Water --> Seagull
Bacteria + Water --> Plankton
Bird + Palm Tree --> Parrot
Chicken + Water --> Duck
Seagull+ Seagull --> Albatross
An t+ Tree --> Termite
Egg + Swamp --> Lizard
Air + Bird --> Thunder Bird
Ground + Plankton --> Worm
Bird + Bushes --> Pigeon
Life + Tree --> Treant
Plankton + Stone --> Shells
Egg + Ground --> Dinosaur
Air + Dinosaur --> Pterodactyl
Lizard + Tree -->Lemur
Pigeon + Stone --> Eagle
Ground + Lizard --> Mouse
Mouse + Tree --> Squirrel
Eagle + Stone --> Falcon
Eagle + Forest --> Hawk
Sand + Worm --> Snake
Bird + Fire --> Phoenix
Mouse + Sand --> Jerboa
Dinosaur + Hunt --> Cow, Dog, and Horse
Air + Worm --> Butterfly
Dinosaur + Fire --> Dragon
Ground + Mouse --> Mole
Cow + Water --> Hippo
Dinosaur + Thunder Bird --> Lohness
Dog + Squirrel --> Raccoon
Lizard + Swamp --> Frog
Bird + Squirrel --> Flying
Air + Mouse --> Bat
Bushes + Mouse --> Hedgehog
Dinosaur + Forest --> Bear
Hippo + Horse --> Elephant
Bird + Horse --> Pegasus
Ground + Lohness --> Triceratops
Mouse + Mouse --> Rat
Frog + Lizard --> Iguana
Lemur + Lizard --> Cat

Creating the Cat will unlock:

Hunt + Jerboa --> Rabbit
Hippo + Hunt --> Pig
Egg + Sand -->Turtle
Bird + Mouse --> Owl
Cat + Savannah --> Lion
Chicken + Egg --> Chicken and Rooster

Creating the Rooster will unlock:

Grass + Horse --> Zebra
Forest + Pig --> Wild
Cow + Snow --> Buffalo
Bat + Eagle --> Grif
Bear + Snow --> Polar
Forest + Grif --> Raven
Ground + Worm --> Beetle
Beetle + Tree --> Mosquito
Horse + Stone --> Mountain
Cow + Hippo --> Rhino
Horse + Sand --> Llama
Grass + Mountain --> Antelope
Cat +Tree --> Jaguar
Dog + Rat --> Hyena
Ant + Raccoon --> Anteater
Bear + Polar --> Panda
Dog + Sand --> Fox
Beetle + Butterfly --> Ladybug
Cat + Snow --> Lynx
Cat + Squirrel --> Mink
Cat + Jaguar --> Tiger
Dinosaur + Water --> Crocodile
Rat + Sand --> Hamster
Horse + Rhino --> Unicorn
Bear + Tree --> Koala
Hunt + Mountain --> Sheep

The Sheep will be the last domestic animal needed to unlock:

Koala + Rat --> Opossum
Beetle + Hunt --> Cockroach
Koala + Rabbit --> Kangaroo
Anteater + Duck --> Platypus
Fox + Snow --> Polar
Hamster + Water --> Beaver
Antelope + Forest --> Deer
Cat + Stone --> Bars
Plankton + Water --> Fish
Life + Palm Tree --> Monkey
Mole + Opossum --> Desman
Eagle + Lion --> Griffon
Dinosaur + Fish --> Dolphin
Monkey + Snow --> Yeti
Beetle + Sand --> Scorpion
Fish + Plankton --> Whale
Scorpion + Water --> Crab
Ant + Beetle --> Spider
Dog + Fox --> Wolf
Fish + Fish --> Shark
Mosquito + Worm --> Leech
Owl + Snow --> Polar

The Polar Owl will be the last bird needed to unlock:

Deer + Forest --> Elk
Plankton + Shark --> Cachalot
Dog + Wolf --> Dingo
Spider + Water --> Octopus
Deer + Snow --> Reindeer
Fish + Sand --> Flatfish
Octopus + Water --> Jellyfish
Bars + Savannah --> Puma

The Puma will be the last predator needed to unlock:

Snow + Whale --> Grampus

The Grampus will be the last big animal needed to unlock

Flatfish + Scorpion --> Stingray
Hamster + Hedgehog --> Porcupine
Crocodile + Sand --> Varan
Fish + Scorpion --> Piranha
Fish + Octopus --> Squid
Piranha + Snake --> Muraena
Bird + Octopus --> Cthulhu Achievement

Cthulhu is the last magic animal needed to unlock:

That is the final achievement for Doodle God Evolution. Congratulations on the completion.

In case you want to complete Doodle Farm, the last match needed is:

Piranha + Plankton --> Pike

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Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-07-30